BB-Code ist eine an HTML angelehnte Auszeichnungssprache. Mit ihm kannst du deine Nachrichten in ähnlicher Weise, wie es mit HTML auch möglich ist, formatieren. Durch den einfacheren Syntax ist es allerdings unmöglich, das Layout der Seite selbst zu zerstören. Ob du BB-Code verwenden darfst, kann vom Administrator für jedes einzelne Forum eingeschränkt werden – überprüfe deshalb die Foren-Regeln, bevor du einen neuen Beitrag verfasst.Anbei findest du eine Liste von BB-Code Tags, welche du verwenden kannst, um deine Beiträg zu formatieren.
BBCode References
Name | Syntax | Purpose |
Bold | [b] text [/b] | Makes the wrapped text bold |
Italic | [i] text [/i] | Makes the wrapped text italics |
Underline | [u] text [/u] | Underlines the wrapped text |
Strikethrough | [s] text [/s] | Strikethrough the wrapped text |
Link | [url] url text [/url] | Converts the url text to link |
Link (named) | [url=””]Link text [/url] | Converts the wrapped text to link with the href as the parameter passed |
Image | [img][/img] | Embeds the image indicated in the url |
Quote | [ quote] text [/quote] | Converts the text to a blockquote text. |
Code | [code] code here [/code] | Converts the text within to monospaced text. |
Color | [color=#FF0000]Red Text[/color] | Styles to wrapped text with the specified color. |
Font size | [size=14]Text[/size] | Changes the font size of the wrapped text to the specified font size. |
Font face | [face=Arial]Text[/face] | Changes the font family of the wrapped text to the specified font. |
Center | [center] text [/center] | Center aligns the text within. |
Left | [left] text [/left] | Left aligns the text within. |
Right | [right] text [/right] | Right aligns the text within. |
Justify | [justify] text [/justify] | Justifies the text on left and right. |
Sub-script | [sub] text [/sub] | Sub-scripts the text within. |
Super-script | [sup] text [/sup] | Super-scripts the text within. |
[email] [/email] | Converts the email id within to a mailto link. | |
Email (named) | [] Email Us [/email] | Converts the text within to a mailto link with the href as the email address passed. |
Large | [large] text [/large] | Converts the font size of the text within to a larger size. |
Large (Coloured) | [large=#cccccc]text[/large] | Converts the font size of the text within to a larger size and changes the colour to the specified colour code. |
Small | [small] text [/small] | Converts the font size of the text within to a smaller size. |
Small (Coloured) | [small=#cccccc]text[/small] | Converts the font size of the text within to a smaller size and changes the colour to the specified colour code. |
List(unordered) | [li]Item 1[/li] [li]Item 2[/li] |
Generates an unordered list of the items specified |
List(unordered) | [ul] [li]Item 1[/li] [li]Item 2[/li] [/ul] | A different way to Generate an unordered list of the items specified |
List(Ordered) | [ol] [li]Item 1[/li] [li]Item 2[/li] [/ol] | Generates an ordered list of the items specified. |