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P-Day 2019 Amsterdam – We are Pamily!

Liebe Paneristi,

vom 4.10. bis 6.10.2019 findet der diesjährige “P-Day” statt, diesmal im schönen Amsterdam. Wir freuen uns euch auch dieses Jahr wieder mit vielen Bildern und schönen Eindrücken aktuell hier in unserem Ticker versorgen zu dürfen. Der Paneristiclub ist mit einigen Mitgliedern vor Ort und wir möchten uns jetzt schon recht herzlich für die tollen Aufnahmen bedanken, ihr seid echt Klasse, lasst es krachen Jungs und Mädels, habt Spass und geniesst die gemeinsame Zeit mit unseren Freunden aus aller Welt, “We are pamily”.… Read more

GTG Meet & Beef 30.06.2018!

Hallo liebe Paneristi,

wir planen ein GTG am Samstag dem 30.06.2018 im wunderschönen Düsseldorf. Thomas hatte ursprünglich die Idee das Treffen in Wuppertal stattfinden zu lassen, dann war Köln eine adäquate Alternative, gelandet sind wir dann in Düsseldorf, da wir Probleme hatten eine geeignete Location zu finden.… Read more

“Tribute to Firenze”

Dear members and friends of „Officine Panerai“

In the past weeks with your support we made it happen to launch the only german, non-commercial acting webpage PANERISTICLUB e.V.

Again we want to say Thank you for your enormous contribution by building this platform.… Read more

Welcome “It´s a pleasure for us”!

Dear Paneristi,

we are delighted to welcome two new members in our club PANERISTICLUB e.V.

Many of you may know them already, Ralf Ehlers and Volker Wiegmann, both passionate Panerai collectors or name them “Popes of Panerai” since the end of the 90s and authors of numerous books for historic Panerai watches.… Read more

You are Welcome Number 50!

Good morning club members of PANERISTICLUB e.V.,

we are proud to introduce you our 50th club member since last weekend.
Five week back nobody expected to have 50 club members in that short period of time with us. And in addition we are talking about a very special member…not member “una signora”.… Read more

We are pamily!

Dear friends of the Paneristiclub,

Today, the Paneristiclub e.V. represented by Alexander, Christian, Karim, Oliver and Thomas were able to hand over the symbolic check of the charity campaign “We are pamily” to the Kinderhospiz Regenbogenland in Düsseldorf to Mrs. Katja Schweeberg.… Read more

Happy landing!

Dear Paneristi,

On 4.11.2016 so far, our logo and slogan “We are pamily” was registered as a trademark, the club now holds the word and image trademark rights at the Federal Patent and Trademark Office in Munich.

For next year we will launch another “charity” and we are hoping that we will be able to beat the results of this year.… Read more